agallo2368@verizon.net     202 544 6973

Mr. Gallo's journalistic background shows up in at least three of is plays.  Madame Caillauxis about the assassination of LeFigaro editor, Gaston Calmette in 1914.   Vandergrift examines the Industrial Age through the lens of muckraker journalist Ida Tarbell.  The Eaton Woman examines the power of the press during the Age of Andrew Jackson.  All three plays are about the role of women in government and journalism.  Visit the web site for each play by tapping on the buttons below.  Mr. Galloi has been honored by the National Press Club with three prestigious Vivian Awards.  The Wharton School honored him with the Crandall Citation in 2018.


agallo2368@verizon.net    ANTHONY E. GALLO    202 544 6973